Scills Andreen

CEO & Co-Founder, IndieFlix

Scilla Andreen is an award-winning Producer, Director, Emmy nominated Costume Designer, Author, CEO & Co-Founder of IndieFlix Group Inc., a global, streaming and offline screening distribution service that focuses on content for a purpose. Her work has been covered by such publications as The New York Times, and Good Morning America to the South China Morning Post.

She’s produced and/or distributed social impact films, Nevertheless, Screenagers, Angst, and Empowerment Project. Scilla directed and distributed two feature documentaries; one about the impact of social media on our lives, LIKE (2019), and the other about cyber-bullying, The Upstanders (2020), which shares stories about resilience and the power of connection to end bullying. Scilla is Included in Screen International’s Women to Watch, Variety’s Women’s Impact Report and PSBJ Women of Influence. She is a popular speaker at Sundance, Cannes, CES, SXSW, BeBold and Women in Film. Scilla is also the Founder of IF Foundation.